
Restaurant Menu Redesign

due April 3, 2020

To start practicing your typography and composition chops, we’re going to take a break from designing for the screen and turn our attention to print.

Note: You’ll have time to get started on this assignment during workshop.


Redesign a restaurant menu.


  1. Find a PDF of a restaurant menu online. (Try searching on Yelp)
  2. Use the contents of the menu to create a new design.
  3. In this Google Drive folder, create a new folder with your name where you will upload the original menu and your redesign




If you need an extra challenge, find a bilingual menu (in two languages you are familiar with) to redesign.

Font Recommendations

There are so so so many fonts to comb through on Google Fonts, so in an effort to make your life easier, here are some to get you started.

UI-friendly Sans

These are screen-friendly sans-serifs which hold up well at small sizes and on screens with low resolutions.

Readable Serifs

This is a good list of very readable serif fonts to get you started. You never know when a good italic could come in handy!